In addition to this, we highly encourage you to support through our Makers Box! The Makers Box is your chance to get to know the team members better and receive an exclusive collection at a discount. Every 3 months, our subscribers receive a box spotlighting an artisan partner. The box includes 5-7 handmade products, a note from the artisan and a beautiful proverb card from our team. Now, more than ever, the artisans need our support and the Makers Box is one of the best ways to offer continued support.
1. The Makers Box is an effective way to sustain those who already have existing jobs that they depend on.
It unfortunately would not be realistic to say that we can create new jobs in Haiti right now. However, we can definitely empower those who already have their own businesses. So many talented artisans all around the country are not able to work because of lack of equipment, gang violence, lack of tourism in the country and more. By placing orders, we empower those who already have their businesses and workshops to keep going.
2. The Makers Box is a way to make sure Hait’s beauty is shared with the world.
In a time where the news is flooded with images of violence and disaster, it can be hard to hold on to the beautiful. When you subscribe to the box, each quarter, you will receive beauty right at your doorstep. You can share the handcrafted items you receive with your family and friends and post photos on social media to show a different side of Haiti. What a wonderful way of promoting the beauty of Haitian-made goods, at a time when it is so needed.
3. The Makers Box is an easy way to keep a piece of Haiti in your home and heart.
How many of you carry Haiti in your hearts even though you might not be able to travel there at the moment? The box includes 5-7 handmade products that each represent Haiti and tell a story. The Makers Box helps you keep Haiti alive in your heart through jewelry, leather, and other handmade pieces, and can serve as a reminder to think about and pray for her often. We hope this serves as a reminder that even when tragic things we see in the news feel out of our control, there are still things we can do that make a very real difference. We invite you to sign up for the Makers Box and support Haitian artisanal work! Men anpil, Chay pa lou. (Here we need to insert information about the makers box, how many times a year you get it and how much it costs and then a button to the page to sign up)