invest in haiti


Day 2: G R A T I T U D E

The other day we were discussing gratitude and over and over again, the workshop kept coming into the conversation. When our artisans reflect on the things that they feel the most grateful for, one of the first and foremost things they will say is that they are thankful for their jobs, and the community that has been built in the workshop.
“I love spending time in the workshop, we all feel like an actual family. There have been times that have been so hard in Haiti, but over the years at the workshop, I have learned how to adapt to the changes that are out of my control and are difficult and get through them,” - Abraham, one of our leather artisans
This has indeed been such a hard year in Haiti, and for our workshop as well, but as we started to reflect on gratitude more as a group, this theme of the workshop kept making us reflect on all of the wonderful and meaningful memories we have created together here.
During one of our English classes, our students talked about specific moments that were especially special to them over the years at the workshop.
“For me,” Carl said, “the thing that is most special to me are the birthday parties that we do every month. I love how we get to show how important everyone is here. Other workplaces don’t do things like that.”

Something that was amazing for me was when we had a business seminar. After that I started up a business of my own- selling phone minutes and bottled beverages, that has changed my life in a pretty big way.
— Abraham

Another student, Sandy, went on to talk about how incredible it was to have savings from Sere Pou Demen that ended up covering an emergency c-section for her sister, and the group continued to reminisce about all of the trips we have taken together-to the mountains, to the beach, and the fun afternoons we have had together celebrating different holidays and the movies we watched together after work.
As the conversation continued, I had this overwhelming feeling- because at that moment I was seeing a small fulfillment of our vision unraveling before my eyes.
Our artisans were talking about the workshop- and the way they are thankful for their job, but their answers didn’t end with that, with the fact that they simply have a job and source of income to get through life day by day. But they were talking about the incredible ways their lives have changed through their jobs, and all of the things that they have learned along the way.

I have learned to be encouraged and to focus on the good. I have learned the importance of looking forward to things when things are hard.
— Carl Mathiew
I have learned to always believe in myself and to be confident in the effort that I give- because the people that discourage you aren’t the ones that are going to make my dreams happen, I am.
— Sandy
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I have learned responsibility and how to be a person that others can depend on.
— Jerry

Reflection is key in ensuring that your life is filled with thanksgiving. Life, so often at times, can feel so dark, but when we remember all the good, all that we have learned, and the ways in which our lives have changed and transformed, you start to realize that even when it is dark, there are also lights, and life suddenly starts to feel like the night sky- both dark and beautiful, and you are thankful for both.

-Written by Courtney Sanon, Social Programs Coordinator at Haiti Design Co.

The Importance of Families Staying Together

HDC FAM- Haiti Design Co

DAY 1: F A M I L Y

Every day this week our team members will be sharing based on a different theme that makes up our #HDCFAM! Today we are excited to share an essay on a topic that is especially close to our hearts and the core of why we exist- to support families staying together.

Family preservation haiti

“Hi, my name is Fednold, but everyone calls me Fefe. I am married, and my wife’s name is Guerdine. We just had our first child together, and our daughter’s name is Wenshell. My wife is quiet and funny, and I love my family.
I work  with an organization called Ansanm, who’s purpose is to help empower families to stay together. Ansanm helps children attend school, has parenting and spiritual formation classes, helps parents find ways to earn income, and helps with big needs like housing or medical needs. I have taught literacy courses in the past to teach parents how to read and write, I run errands on my motorcycle for different programs, and I am a Bible teacher for the spiritual foundation course.

I have been so excited to become the head of a family, and now as a father, I realize that this is the greatest privilege I can have. It was so exciting to see my baby, and to see the different ways she looks like us, and I feel so proud as I watch her sleeping on my chest. I love watching her smile. I am looking forward to bringing her to church and taking her to school. I can't wait to see her dance and hear her sing.

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I hope for a lot of things for my child. I hope for her to love Jesus and to follow Him. I hope for her to always remain with us and to never have to live in an orphanage. All I want for her is to be loved, and to always be in a place where she will find tenderness, affection, and respect, and I know she wouldn’t find this in an orphanage. 

When a child lives in a family, they find strength to reach their dreams. In an orphanage, children often times don’t know how to love others well because they are treated badly and don't have good examples to follow. Sometimes they suffer from violence and abuse from workers, directors, and even older children.

The reality of an orphanage in Haiti is that all of their lives children are living in fear and they grieve in their hearts, and they are just waiting for a foreigner to come and give them something for a week out of the year.

In Haiti, we have different levels of abuse happening in orphanages, and social workers are used to placing an orphanage in a certain level. I have personally witnessed some of the bad treatment that is happening here. I have watched directors teach the children to lie to visitors about being orphans so that they can make money. They don't go to good schools, they give them expired medicine, and those are just the small problems.

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Because of this reality, with Ansanm, we are trying to restore these children in their families, and prevent children from being sent to live in these kind of situations.
Through attending English classes at Haiti Design Co, I also get to see another organization helping families stay together through creating stable jobs- and I’m glad that there are many different organizations working in Haiti  towards the same goal.

Through a family, a child can have a better life, and receive the love they need.  I used to believe that one day if I had a child, it would be amazing to find an orphanage for her to grow up, as many people here believe. I thought it was the best thing I could do for her, but now that I have witnessed the true reality, I can’t imagine my daughter ever spending one night in one.

And this is why I am so happy to get the chance to talk about this, so that I can help other parents realize this too.”