Audrey Hepburn once said, “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow”.
As a family and community here in Port Au Prince, we can press on these simple words. Words that project vision and dreams. Looking upon a simple seed and it’s potential, days and years from now. There is no limit as to where tomorrow can take us.
Giving our lives nourishment is a renewing practice. Caring for our bodies, our souls and our world can coincide beautifully in simple practices like gardening. There is something healing that comes in digging in the dirt, something deeply satisfying that comes in growing your own food, and there is something wonderful for our earth that comes when we find such natural ways to meet our needs. If we can reflect practices that embody this growth, we can spread education and investment throughout our family and into the communities of our artisans.
Photo: Harvest 107
Through generosities of partners, we have been given the opportunity to dig deeper with enrichment programs here at the workshop. We were joined by a corporate responsibility team last fall that came down and not only donated materials, time, and energy, but laid the ground work for the structure of our lunch sustainability vision being brought to life through a rooftop garden. As we set out to continue to find ways to implement simple and sustainable nourishment to our workshop, Haiti Design Co-op’s path struck a gold mine when we found Harvest 107.
Harvest 107, from nursery to garden, embodies a vision of growth through something simple- food. Taking a breath on their garden property opens a feeling of opportunity and renewal beyond what is seen in the dirt. Renewal that brings forth possibility and growth that we hope to model here at HDC. Through this spirit, our garden will empower our family as they seek to develop practices that take them to their roots. The fruits of their labor are reflected in their mission statement,
“to make safe, nutritious food available to every person on the planet.” and belief that “food is a right, not a privilege” .
Photo: Harvest 107
(To learn more about Harvest 107 please explore their website)
Harvest 107 partners with organizations and community groups to build gardens that connect people to the importance of renewal and nourishment, as well as give every person the opportunity for sufficient food sources.
By building a sustainable rooftop garden alongside Harvest 107 we will be given the ability to-
Provide added nutrition to our employee lunches
Train leaders in sustainable gardening practices that can spread in surrounding communities
Provide educational classes on preventive healthcare through nutrition
Give our artisans the chance to become a part of a project that they can watch grow (literally) and expand on individually, as a family, and into communities where their daily lives take place.
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By combining the visions of HDC and Harvest 107, the following plan was developed:
The Harvest Box : Our custom engineered garden boxes include a self-watering irrigation system that requires no electricity. Each Harvest Box is made from re-purposed shipping pallets and designed to use the least amount of materials while achieving the optimal environment for urban gardening. The boxes are not only functional, they are aesthetically pleasing and instantly transform raw spaces into a thing of beauty.”
Our goal is to launch the rooftop garden with-
6 harvest boxes=70 plants
Training Sessions in-
care and maintenance
organic pest control
harvesting food
seed banking for planting the next crop.
The roots of our rooftop garden, tended by our leather artisan, Adelson.
“The key elements to a successful food sustainability project is great design and thorough education and training.”
- Pfaff Family, Harvest 107
Here's Where You Come In...
For just $25, individuals can sponsor one of the 70 new and promising plants coming straight from the Harvest 107 greenhouse to our well-loved workshop roof. AND receive a free Leather Bracelet made in-house at HDC.
For $75, individuals can sponsor half of a Harvest Box. Each plant will contribute directly to supplementing our artisans’ lunches and provide a training opportunity for our employees. AND you'll receive a free "BE GOOD TO PEOPLE" banner.
For just $150, you can get your name, family’s name, organization, or business name on a hand stamped metal placard on the side of the box which you sponsored. You'll also receive a personal thank you video from our staff members.
We are beyond excited about this new opportunity for our cooperative and, especially, those that will be our first round of gardeners. Haiti Design Co-op is committed to not only providing stability to individuals through employment, but also to life enrichment and community development made possible by your donations. Thank you for your support of this exciting new venture made possible by Harvest 107.
Alongside you, we are planting seeds of change and opportunity.
With love from Ayiti,
-the HDC team