Today’s Covid Reflection was written by Abraham Rivage. Abraham is a member of our quality control and fulfillment team. He will, without a doubt, always greet you with a beaming smile and warm energy. We hope you enjoy his thoughtful essay today!
“As Covid spreads, it has been hard to ignore the headlines and to witness its effects across the world. Sports teams can’t play, Planes aren’t flying, Cruise ships aren’t sailing, churches can’t gather.
Since the shutdown, I have been trying to stay busy. I have been focusing on learning new English words. I have spent a lot of time chatting with my significant other and friends. I have been blowing off steam through working out every day. I have also been focusing on my business more. I sell carbonated drinks and phone minutes from my house.
Since schools are closed once again, I have been trying to help my son learn, and have been teaching him about the virus and how to protect himself against sicknesses. I haven’t been going out a lot, as when you live with other people, the risks you take, aren’t your risks alone, and I want to keep them safe.
I have to be honest though, I have been pretty stressed and anxious with everything that is going on. Haiti is normally extremely busy- and I feel like many of us have been afraid of the quiet, emptying streets. When streets aren’t busy in Haiti, it’s usually a sign of some kind of danger or trouble, so I think a lot of people struggle with that in the back of their minds. It can be hard getting over your fear, and have to do things like take public transportation because that’s the only option you have.
Staying encouraged can seem so difficult. It’s so easy to feel uninspired when you’re spending all of your days at home. But so much creativity and perseverance can be drawn from the options that we have today. Having access to the internet and books and other things are a luxury that I think we often take for granted.
When I have felt overwhelmed by my problems, I have opened things that have given my comfort, like my Bible, or doing one of my hobbies, or by reading something enriching. I think we often forget how important exercise is for our mental health too. Even if you are running up the stairs at home or doing breathing exercises, this is a way for our anxiety and stress to leave our bodies.
Finding moments of peace can be hard right now, but I think that’s the point. We need to find them, they probably won’t just happen upon us. We must search for them, and hold fast to them once we do find them.”